Re-Imagining Cryptography and Privacy (ReCAP) Workshop
The Re-Imagining Cryptography and Privacy (ReCAP) Workshop explores the ways in which cryptography and privacy intersect with society toward designing, creating, and sustaining technologies that explicitly benefit marginalized communities. We welcome work and perspectives from social scientists, humanities scholars, community organizations, and technologists. The focus of the ReCAP Workshop is Re-Imagination: identifying the aspects of cryptography and privacy technology production that contribute to marginalization, and solidifying approaches, ideas, and designs that center marginalized voices, resist toxic aspects of technology production and work toward dismantling systems of marginalization. The ReCAP Workshop seeks to build and sustain a diverse community that is committed to the broadening of access to the field and engaging in socially-conscious work.
ReCAP 2025 is a hybrid workshop from June 3-4, 2025 that will take place physically in New York, New York (USA) and virtually on Zoom.
Call for Submissions
Submissions to ReCAP 2025 will be accepted on a rolling basis until April 10, 2025. As many submissions as possible will be included in the workshop program (depending on desired presentation format and volume of submissions per topic). All submissions that fit the workshop topic(s) will (optionally) have their title, author list, and abstract published on the ReCAP website. The title and author list will (optionally) be included in the printable zine. To submit an idea, please use this link.We are looking for submissions related to the following topics. We offer some guiding questions as points of reflection and discussion but your submission need not answer each one:
Community Voices: This session creates space for people working from within community organizations or for individuals with marginalized intersections of identity to share their experiences with harms relating to privacy or surveillance. Additionally, we hope for this to be an opportunity to drive further community engagement and relationship building. We will prioritize those outside of academia to share their perspectives in this session.- In what ways does this submission center first-hand and/or community experiences on privacy or surveillance?
- Is this submission a call to action/call for movement-building?
- Does this submission highlight an overlooked dimension of experiencing or resisting privacy harms?
- Academia to action
- How we resist the surveillance nightmare
- Saying NO! to Workplace Surveillance: Lessons from Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute
- Does this highlight a particular perspective or experience with marginalization, surveillance, or resistance?
- Does this work apply a critical lens to systems of power or to a practice within the privacy community?
- Does this work explore the impact of social infrastructures (legal systems, NGOs, etc) on marginalization, particularly within the realm of privacy or surveillance?
- Surveil, control, demonize: how “protect the children” laws are part of larger effort to restrict rights for vulnerable groups
- Human rights in the technology we chose to standardize
- On the Virtues of Information Security in the UK Climate Movement: An Ethnographic Case Study
- Spaces for dialogue and design: Imagining security futures with female social leaders and conflict victims in Cauca, Colombia
- Does this submission highlight a limitation or provide a critique of an existing model, technique, or tool in meeting the needs of marginalized communities?
- How does this submission illustrate the challenges and best practices for carrying out this type of work?
- If the proposed model, protocol, or tool is intended to support a particular group's needs, how was this group involved in development of the proposed solution?
- Quiet - A Slackier Signal for Communities and Organizations
- Private Account Recovery for an Anonymous Web Service
- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly — Lessons from an MPC for Social Good Deployment
Informal Discussion Sessions
ReCAP 2025 will feature two informal spaces for discussion. Participation does not require any formal submission. More information will be made available to attendees closer to the workshop.Open Problems & Emerging Work: This session is a space discuss and gather input from ReCAP attendees on new problems or ongoing work. This session will be structured as a series of lightning talks followed by group discussions.
- Is there a question or problem you would like to discussion with ReCAP attendees?
- Are you looking for potential collaborations, especially outside your area of expertise?
- The workshop will be free to registrants with financial need and sliding scale for those who are able to contribute. More information about registration will be available in early April.
- We emphasize that this is a hybrid workshop. Speakers are welcome to present in-person or virtually.
- The Zoom link and physical location will be shared with registrants closer to the event. The physical location will be in upper Manhattan/Harlem.
- Speakers can decide what information is shared on the ReCAP website about their talk (with the option to share no information). Speakers will also have the option to record their talk or not.
- We encourage regional meet-ups! If you'd like to host one, please reach out to us via

- Want to re-visit ReCAP 2024? Any available videos, artifacts, slides, etc. are now live! Please see the link for each contribution to find out more.
- We're seeking volunteers and sources of funding. Please feel free to get in touch via the contact information below.
Contact Organizers
- General Inquiries:
- Alishah Chator, Boston University
- Leah Namisa Rosenbloom, Northeastern University
- Lucy Qin, Georgetown University