Re-Imagining Cryptography and Privacy (ReCAP) Workshop

The Re-Imagining Cryptography and Privacy (ReCAP) Workshop expands the space of the Community-Driven Cryptography Project, which explores the ways in which cryptography and privacy intersect with society toward designing, creating, and sustaining technologies that explicitly benefit marginalized communities. The focus of the ReCAP Workshop is Re-Imagination: identifying the aspects of cryptography and privacy technology production that contribute to marginalization, and solidifying approaches, ideas, and designs that center marginalized voices, resist toxic aspects of technology production, and leverage cryptography and privacy tools toward dismantling systems of marginalization. Like the Community-Driven Cryptography Project, the ReCAP Workshop seeks to build and sustain an interdisciplinary community of cryptographers, social scientists, humanities scholars, community organizations, industry practitioners, and technologists, and contribute to the broadening of access to the field.


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